Autor Dilip Dhupia Ingeniero de aplicaciones, India La dispersión de...
Leer masThere’s a lot riding
on our testing.™
Alpha Support:
Experienced. Knowledgeable.
Certified. Global.
Ken Schwenning
Alpha Technical Support Lead
There’s a lot riding
on our testing.™
Alpha Technologies es líder en la aplicación de la ciencia de la reología a las pruebas que marcan la diferencia en el mundo del caucho y los polímeros.
los hechos.
En el mercado
en planta y campo
Referenciando a Alpha
Huella global de Alpha
Científicos e ingenieros de Alpha Technologies
Alpha en el trabajo.
Austin Cassel
Especialista en soporte de software
Parte del equipo de soporte de software
¿Cuáles son mis necesidades?
Predict Polymer Performance
Big improvements in polymer performance come from tiny adjustments in your compound. Gain insight about how what you put in impacts how it comes out.
See Inside the Cure Process
The ability to measure your compounds before, during and after cure in a single test can be a game changer for your process.
Provide Verifiable Data to Customers
Have confidence that the proof of value (ISO, ASTM) that you provide your customers is backed up by certified, traceable standards.
Continuously Improve the Value of my Material
Alpha’s instruments can precisely measure very subtle changes in compounds. Alpha gets you where you need to go on materials roadmap for the future.
Get More Value from my Data/Go Back in Time
Alpha software lets you see your compound against historical data and gives you the ability to do predictive analytics for the downstream process. All in seconds.
Make My Lab More Efficient
Alpha can automate my testing. Alpha can provide high-end training for my technicians. Alpha helps me work smarter, not harder.
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