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411 University St, Seattle, USA


+1 -800-456-478-23

At Alpha, it starts with our people

Alpha Technologies is a company where rheology scientists and engineers lead the development of advanced testing instruments and software, and global applications support. This is where new ideas and technologies in rubber and polymer testing enables our customers to continuously improve the value of their materials.

Joined Alpha Technologies in 2010

Phil Minor

Firmware Engineer

Joined Alpha Technologies in 1986

Peter Boogaard

Software Engineering Manager 

Joined Alpha Technologies in 1999

Ken Schwenning

Technical Support Lead

Joined Alpha Technologies in 2008

Dung Nguyen

Electrical Engineer

Joined Alpha Technologies in 2017

Michele Scacchi

Applications Engineer

Joined Alpha Technologies in 2017

Dilip Dhupia

Applications Engineer 

Joined Alpha Technologies in 2011

Nicholas Chin

Service Support Lead

Joined Alpha Technologies in 2010

Paul Gordon

Technical Support

Where We Are Right Now

Alpha Technologies is trusted by more top tier rubber and polymer manufacturers than any other brand.

25 LOGOS to come

Work at Alpha Technologies

Alpha Technologies is always looking for rheology and computer scientists and engineers who are committed to pushing the envelope. Who can become part of the Alpha team developing new ideas and capabilities for testing that makes a difference in the rubber and polymer world.

To learn more about Alpha’s opportunities for employment, click here:

Alpha Technologies is always looking for rheology and computer scientists and engineers who are committed to pushing the envelope. Who can become part of the Alpha team developing new ideas and capabilities for testing that makes a difference in the rubber and polymer world.

To learn more about Alpha’s opportunities for employment, click here:

Preview what working at Alpha is like:
Life @ Alpha
The Next Generation

Where Alpha Goes to School

Alpha Technologies is working with colleges and universities worldwide to help them obtain state-of-the-art rheological testing instruments and software, to train the next generation of polymer scientists and engineers. If you are planning a career in polymer sciences, these institutions should be on your short list. 

If you are a college or university interested in participating in our program, please contact us.