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App Note: Predicting Low Temperature Compression Sets

Predicting Low Temperature Compression Set with a Rubber Process Analyzer (RPA)

App Note- Predicting low Temperature Compression Set with a Rubber Process Analyzer RPA image

Learn From The Rheology Experts

A compression set of rubber material is the permanent deformation remaining after the removal of a force that was applied to it. “Set” is used to characterize viscous property due to which rubber compound does not fully return to its original shape after removal of applied force. Compression set is a property that is typically determined for rubber used in machinery mountings, vibration dampers, and seals. This property is a critical factor in rubber material selection because any reduction in the cross section of rubber material results in force reduction, the most common rubber product failure. In systems where there is significant thermal and pressure cycling, compression set can be a major risk factor. Low-temperature compression sets of rubber compounds can be critical in applications like aerospace, oil & gas, food & dairy, automotive, pharmaceutical/medical, and petrochemical, and many other industries. Traditional testing methods are very cumbersome, requiring not only special sample preparation, but also a specific testing instrument set-up.

This study explores the low temperature compression set of rubber compounds by correlation with the loss factor, tan δ, and with the % drop of stress relaxation measured with the Premier RPA Sub-Zero.

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About Alpha Technologies

Alpha Technologies is the leader in applying rheology science to testing that makes a difference in the rubber and polymer world. With over 60 years of experience, we develop advanced testing instruments and software, enabling our customers to continuously improve the value of their materials. Our mission is to provide the insight our customers need to ensure the quality, sustainability, and performance of their materials.

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